Lightning, hail and...tornadoes? Greetings from Texas! By Christy Cabrera Chirinos May 14, 2010 02:41 PM. If you've been following the Sun Sentinel's reporting of the Jerry Joseph/Guerdwich Montimere scandal, you've probably figured out ...
You are invited to join our two families on a summer vacation in the 1950's as we made a road trip from Wisconsin to South Dakota. Many pictures were taken and can be brought to life once again from a... ... Held up by a hail storm when we wanted to leave. In parts of the Black Hills they had hail stones the size of baseballs. Wouldn't have believed it if we hadn't seen them ourselves. Next on Skyline Drive to the Petrified Forest and to Dinosaur Park which was on top of ...
?most of the militants hail from afghanistan and other tribal areas. they were not the local residents of khyber agency, therefore they are trying to flee from the area. but the security forces have arranged to choke their exit,? the ...